
Ardha Chakrasana (Backward Bending Asana): Steps, Benefits and Contraindications

Ardha Chakrasana

Source - CanStockPhoto.com

Ardha Chakrasana is a standing backward bending asana. It is also known as half-moon pose because in the final position it looks like a half-moon.

Ardha Chakrasana is a Sanskrit word that means Half Wheel Pose. It consists of three words Ardha, Chakra, and Asana

Ardha means Half; Chakra means Wheel; Asana means Pose

It is a modern yoga, practiced for reversing the habitual pattern of leaning forward posture of spine and shoulders. Ardha Chakrasana improves flexibility to the spine and back muscles and provides various health benefits.

Health Benefits of Ardha Chakrasana

How to do Ardha Chakrasana

Breathing Pattern

You should follow below breathing pattern while performing Ardha Chakrasana:

Ardha Chakrasana Contraindications

You should avoid this asana if you have the following problems:

Tips for Beginners


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