
Best Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat for Females at Home

exercise to reduce belly fat for female at home

As women get older, they result in gaining belly fat. There are many causes for females to get belly fat including menopause, genetics, stress, poor diet, and lack of exercise.

Diet, some lifestyle modifications, and exercises are the essential things that females can follow to reduce belly fat at home.

Exercises are one of the best ways to reduce weight including belly fat. Here are the 19 effective exercises to reduce belly fat for females at home without equipment.

1. Plank

2. Bicycle Crunch

3. Bird Dog Crunch

4. Core Roll-Up

5. Three-Way Plank

6. Lateral Plank Walk

7. Single-Leg Hip Raise

8. Mountain Climber

9. Scissor Switch

Source: Howcast

10. Crunches

11. Rainbow Plank

12. Down Dog Abs

13. Hand Walkout

14. Seated Leg Raise

Source: pm-pulse

15. Leg Lift

16. Plank Hop

Source: biokplus

17. Hollow Hold

Source: spartan race

18. Seated Rotation

Source: Youtube

19. Heel Touch

Source: Youtube

Warm-Up and Cool-Down

Warm-up and cool-down both involve doing exercises at a much slower pace and lower intensity.

Before starting any exercises it is vital to do a pre-workout warm-up. A proper warm-up helps your body to prevent injury, reduces muscle strain, enhances flexibility and performance, and increases oxygen and blood flow in the body.

Cooling down after your physical activities is as important as the warm-up. It helps you to gradually recover from fast heart rate, and high body temperature, and breathing. Finish your workout by cooling down for about 5 – 10 minutes.



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