
Top 13 Indian Home Remedies to Lose Weight Fast

Indian home remedies to lose weight fast

We are aware of the fact that the personality and appearance of a person are decided and reflected by the weight of a person. By following a proper diet and adding some of the Indian foods at home, anyone can lose weight fast whether he/she is involved in the strenuous exercises or not.

Before adding to or changing the current diet plan, we need to know the probable causes of weight gain, and they could be

So, we have to select foods that will help to sort out the above causes of weight gain.

Many scientifically researches have proved herbal or green vegetables are beneficial in maintaining good health. Many types of research have also been done to find out potential benefits in losing weight as well.

So, in this article, we will explore different proven Indian foods remedies that are beneficial in losing weight.

Top Indian Home Foods to Lose Weight Fast

1. Lemon Juice and Honey

The mixture of lemon water and honey always stands as one of the top ingredients in Indian home remedies to reduce weight. A study at the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine has supported that when lemon juice is mixed with honey significantly reduces weight, BMI, fat mass, and total body water.

Lemon provides vitamin C which inhibits the conversion of glucose to fat in adipose tissue and modulates fat breakdown. (Source – 1) Moreover, consuming an adequate amount of vitamin C increases fat oxidation by 30% which is an important aspect of weight loss. (Source – 2)

Lemon also contains “naringin”, a plant flavonoid, which activates genes and enzymes that are responsible for reducing adiposity or obesity. (Source – 3)

On the other hand, honey is beneficial in reducing appetite by regulating hunger-related hormones – Peptide YY and Ghrelin. (Source – 4)

How to Prepare:

Take a half lemon, 1 teaspoon of honey, and mix them with 290 ml of water. Drink the mixture early morning on an empty stomach.

2. Green Tea

Green tea is acknowledged as a miracle and an herbal remedy to reduce weight. Researches on consuming green tea claimed that green tea is a potent tea to significantly decrease body fat percentage, body weight, waist circumference, and belly fat. (Source – 5, 6, 7)

Catechins and caffeine present in green tea increase metabolism and improve fat oxidation as a result reduce weight. (Source – 8) Studies have shown that consuming green tea extract increases 24 hours of energy expenditure and fat oxidation by 4% and 17%. (Source – 9, 10)

You can consume about 3 to 4 cups of green tea in a day by adding ginger and honey to it, to experience instant weight loss.

How to Prepare:

Bring water to boil and rest it for ten minutes. Then pour it over tea and brew for about one minute and pull out the leaves before drinking it.

3. Aloe Vera

The use of aloe vera to reduce weight is considered a smart choice. It acts as a natural laxative that increases the intestine water content and relieves constipation, thus improving digestion. (Source – 11, 12)

Aloe vera contains two essential phytosterol – lophenol and cycloartanol which have the ability to improve fatty acid oxidation in the body. (Source – 13)

Besides, the intake of aloe vera gel is effective in stimulating energy expenditure as a result reduces body weight and fat. (Source – 14)

How to Prepare:

Take out the pulp of the aloe vera and mix it well with a cup of orange juice, citrus juice or grapefruit juice and consume it on an empty stomach half an hour before the meal.

Also ReadHow to Use Aloe Vera for Skin Whitening?

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is an effective way to lose weight fast as it helps in fighting against obesity and in burning off excess calories and fat in the body. It contains acetic acid which is responsible for reducing body weight, BMI, visceral fat area, waist circumference, and serum triglyceride levels. (Source – 15, 16)

In fact, a study conducted by the Journal of Functional Food revealed that when the participants consumed 30 ml/d of apple cider vinegar with a calorie-restricted diet of 250 kcal/day energy deficit for 12 weeks, the participants significantly reduced body weight.

Furthermore, apple cider vinegar helps to increase satiety level which decreases the chances of taking more calories. (Source – 17) The inclusion of vinegar with a meal can produce a reduction of approximately 200 to 275 calories for a day which can be a great remedy for weight loss. (Source – 18)

How to Prepare:

Mix 1 or 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and consume it every night before going to bed. You can also consume apple cider vinegar with a mixture of lemon juice and water.


To prepare the mixture, the quantity of apple cider vinegar should not exceed more than five tablespoons per day otherwise it will increase the potassium levels in the body and reduce the density of the bones.

5. Peppers

The two kinds of peppers, Cayenne pepper (red pepper) and dihydrocapsiate (DCT) non-spicy pepper have been proved to be beneficial in losing weight.

Cayenne pepper or red pepper is effective in burning out the excess fat and stimulating your digestive system without much effort.

It increases metabolic rate which as a result directly converts the food into energy instead of storing as fat. As it is spicy, it raises the core temperature of the body which causes the body to burn more calories. (Source – 19, 20)

Whereas in a research at the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition of 28 days, researchers found that after taking supplements containing the non-burning DCT pepper significantly increase fat oxidation by assisting the body to use more fat as fuel. It also helps to lose weight and can boost metabolism when consumed with a low-calorie diet. (Source – 21)

How to Prepare:

Boil the pepper in water and drink it every day for at least a month. Add lemon juice for extra taste and flavor or include the pepper in everyday meals along with a touch of Ginger.

6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are known to be rich in vitamin A, C, and K, and it is packed with the nutrients which are beneficial for the body.

It contains Lycopene which is a natural antioxidant. Some studies have proved that obesity leads to chronic oxidative stress which as a result cause weight gain. Antioxidants fight against these harmful oxygen radicals. Consumption of tomatoes on a regular basis, being an antioxidant supplement, reduces oxidative stress which leads to a reduction in the body weight. (Source – 2223)

Another essential content is fiber which is crucial for proper digestion. Fiber slows down digestion which adds bulk to stool and improves bowel movement.  Fiber is also associated with lowering body weight as it reduces the absorption of foods that increase the satiety. (Source – 24)

Consuming tomatoes rich diets also reduce triglyceride level, total cholesterol level and LDL-cholesterol level, and increase the good HDL-cholesterol level. (Source – 25)

How to Consume:

Add one tomato to the salads of cucumber and onion or add sliced tomato to sandwiches and wraps.

7. Coriander

Coriander is popularly known as Dhaniya, and it is one of the most commonly used ingredients in the traditional Indian kitchen. It is one of the most popular Indian remedies for weight loss.

Coriander is an excellent source to soothe irritated digestive system and stimulate digestive enzymes and juices. A good digestive system is one of the critical elements of weight loss.

The coriander leaves possess antioxidant activity, and that is likely due to their phenolic content. Coriander leaves contain beneficial flavonoids, polyphenols, and phenolic acids which have been proved to be a potential protective agent against oxidative damage in the body.

In several studies, coriander seed extracts were found to decrease LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and total cholesterol and also an increase in HDL cholesterol.

How to Prepare:

Chopped coriander leaves, add a mixture of tomato juice and water to it and consume it on a regular basis every day.


add coriander leaves with a few garlic cloves, curry leaves, black pepper, cumin seeds and a pinch of salt. Blend them well in a mixer and drink it all. This juice can be consumed once every day in empty stomach whether in the morning or before going to bed.


a tea can be made with the infusion of coriander seeds.

8. Ajwain

Ajwain is popularly known as carom seeds and is an effective remedy to beat bloating, gas and flatulence. It contains a volatile oil called thymol which boosts metabolism. A proper metabolism means proper absorption of food which means less fat storage.

Ajwain also has Lipid lowering property which is beneficial in decreasing total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL-cholesterol and increasing HDL (Source – 26). For weight loss, it is necessary to improve the good lipoprotein level and reduce the bad lipoproteins in the body.

How to Prepare:

Boil Ajwain with water till the water becomes golden color. Let the water to cool down, filter the water in a bottle and sip it throughout the day or chew one teaspoon of Ajwain every day in the morning half an hour before breakfast.

9. Cucumber

Cucumber is a popular Indian vegetable known for its very high water and less calorie content. It is also known for its anti-diabetic, lipid-lowering and antioxidant activity. It has a cleansing action and can remove chemical toxins and waste materials from the body. (Source – 27)

It is very low in calorie and one cup of cucumber contains only 16 calories which makes it great snack for losing weight.

It also contains 96% water which helps to keep the body hydrated. It maintains daily fluid needs which helps in promoting weight loss.

In a study, it was found that eating foods with high water and low calories content associated with reduce in body weight. (Source – 28)

Cucumber seeds help to reduce indigestion and constipation problems which as a result promote clean gut. It is a natural diuretic food which promotes the body to produce more urine that helps to flush out excess water and toxins from the body. In this process, cucumber can promote weight loss caused by excess water retention and toxins in the body.

How to Add:

Eat one cucumber every morning half an hour before breakfast or add sliced cucumber with tomatoes and olive oil as a side dish with the meals.

10. Jeera Water

Jeera (Cumin) is a popularly known spice in the Indian kitchen to add flavor to the foods. Adding jeera water to your routine can be a wonderful drink for weight loss.

Jeera contains essential nutrients which increase the activity of digestive enzymes, resulting in better digestion. (Source – 29) Consuming jeera releases bile acid from the liver which enhances the overall process of digestion and absorption in the body. (Source – 30)

Moreover, jeera is very low in calories and contains only 22 calories in a 6g of a tablespoon. (Source – 31) Consuming low energy density food is associated with reductions in body weight. (Source – 32)

Also Read: How to Prepare Jeera Water for Weight Loss

11. Horse Gram

Horse gram is a popular food in the ayurvedic system for weight loss. It is a rich source of protein, fiber, and vitamin C which play a considerable role in reducing weight. (Source – 33)

Intake of protein and fiber has been observed to reducing appetite and energy intake. (Source – 34, 35, 36, 37)

Whereas, vitamin C modulates fat breakdown and can inhibit the conversion of glucose to fat in adipose tissue. (Source – 38) Moreover, consuming an adequate amount of vitamin C increases fat oxidation by 30%. (Source – 39)

Also Read: How to Eat Horse Gram for Weight Loss and When to Avoid It

12. Carrot

Carrot is a root vegetable and naturally low in calories and full of nutrients that can help in the weight loss efforts. It is a good source of beta-carotene, fiber, vitamin K, potassium and antioxidants. (Source – 40)

It contains both soluble and insoluble fiber which helps food to digest slowly and promotes a feeling of fullness. As a result helps to avoid eating other fattening foods which can cause weight gain.

It has also been proved that intake of high fiber foods improve gut health and reduce the weight of the body. (Source – 41)

It is also low in calories and one cup of sliced carrot contains only 50 calories. For this reason, carrots may be a useful addition to an effective weight loss diet.

How to Eat:

Use shredded carrots in salads or wraps or add carrots in salads of cucumber, tomato and onion.

13. Curry Leaves

Curry leaves are known to be rich in alkaloids which help to reduce triglyceride in the body and thus reduce obesity at a much faster rate. It removes harmful toxins and fats from the body and improves digestion.

How to Prepare:

Boil curry leaves in a cup of water for 5 minutes. Filter out the leaves and drink the lukewarm water. You can also mix lemon or honey to add some taste. Do it continuously for a period up to 4 months.


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