
Jeera Water for Weight Loss: How It Works and Recipes

Jeera Water for Weight Loss

Jeera or cumin is a favorite spice that is used in many Indian dishes to add flavor.

Drinking jeera water has been proved to provide various weight loss benefits including improving digestion, lipid profile, constipation, metabolism, etc. The antioxidant profile of jeera helps to reduce oxidative stress and free radicals. The low-calorie content makes it a great addition to the weight loss regime.

Various research has supported the role of jeera or cumin in reducing weight. In a study, 88 overweight/obese women were investigated and asked to consume 3 g of cumin powder with yogurt per day for 3 months. A significant decrease in body weight, waist size, and body fat was found in the study. (Source – 1)

In another study, 72 overweight participants were investigated and among them who took 75 mg of cumin and lime capsules two times daily for eight weeks lost 3 pounds (1.4 kg) more than those who took a placebo. (Source – 2)

Drinking jeera water provides all nutrients which eliminate various health issues and promotes weight loss.

How does Jeera Water Help in Weight Loss?

Increases Metabolism

Metabolism is a term that describes all the chemical reactions in the body and in other words it is the rate at which your body burns calories for energy. The higher it is, the more calories you will burn, and will be easier to lose weight.

Cumin or jeera is loaded with minerals and vitamins which are essential for boosting metabolism. (Sources – 3, 4)

Moreover, drinking water has also been linked with body weight and fat reduction. (Source – 5) So, consuming jeera water will help you to enhance your metabolism to cut out extra calories from your body, and to lose weight.

Promotes Healthy Digestion

Bad digestion means poor absorption of food and can lead to weight gain. The most common use of Jeera or cumin is for indigestion. It contains soluble dietary fiber which can increase the activity of digestive enzymes, resulting in better digestion. (Source – 6)

Consuming cumin may also increase the release of bile acid from your liver and can increase the volume by 25%. Since bile juice enhances the overall process of digestion and absorption (Source – 7) which helps to digest fats and certain nutrients in your gut; as a result, aids in weight loss.

So drinking jeera water can prevent your digestion problem and can help you in losing weight.

Removes Oxidative Stress

According to a 2009 study, obesity leads to chronic oxidative stress which as a result causes weight gain. Besides, dietary antioxidant supplementation can be a beneficial remedy in reducing oxidative stress which as a result can reduce body weight or other obesity-related disorders.

Cumin is a good source of “polyphenol”, which is a potent antioxidant. (Source – 5) Thus, consuming jeera can reduce your oxidative stress which can lead to a reduction in your body weight.

Improves Blood Cholesterol

Cholesterol level also plays an important role to decrease weight. Cumin has been proved in improving blood cholesterol levels in clinical studies. Cumin is a rich source of flavonoids and cuminaldehyde that possess antioxidant properties.

In a study, 39 participants were tested by adding 3 to 5 drops of cumin extract into their diet for 45 days. At the end of the study, a decrease in levels of oxidized “bad” LDL cholesterol was observed. The researchers believed that the cholesterol-lowering effect of cumin was due to its antioxidant property.

Additionally, a study in 2014 observed that when cumin was consumed in powder form, levels of cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL decreased, and HDL increased. Furthermore, weight, BMI, waist circumference were significantly reduced.

Improves Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Cumin helps in treating the most common gastrointestinal disorders like cramps, digestive spasms, bloating, and changes in stool consistency associated with IBS.

small pilot study looked at the effect of consuming cumin extracts on symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). After 4 weeks of the study, Cumin extract proved to be an effective treatment in improving all IBS symptoms.

Reduces Obesity

Obesity is a state of low-grade, chronic inflammation associated with the development of insulin resistance and diabetes. It also alters the counts of the immune cells including the types of cells within the inflamed tissue. These cells directly contribute to continued weight gain, persistent adipose inflammation, and systemic insulin resistance. (Source – 6)

Cumin contains an essential oil that possesses anti-inflammatory properties. The essential oil of cumin seeds prevents inflammation from lipopolysaccharide (large molecules consisting of a lipid and a polysaccharide) stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. (Source – 7)

Besides, research at the Research Center for Biochemistry and Nutrition in Metabolic Diseases found that taking cumin is helpful in reducing weight and serum insulin levels in people with obesity.

Another study at the Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal for 8 weeks observed that a high dose of cumin and lime co-supplement had beneficial effects on weight and BMI in patients with obesity.

Provides Few Calories

Jeera is very low in calories and contains only 22 calories in one 6g of a tablespoon. (Source – 4) Drinking jeera water will not increase the calorie content in your body and will not require any extra effort to lose those extra calories. For this reason, jeera water can be a useful addition to an active weight loss effort.

Promotes Urination

Urination can be considered as one of the factors to lose weight. Cumin seeds contain nearly 3-4% of essential oil and the oil exhibits anti-allergic, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities. (Source – 7)

These activities help to increase urination both in frequency as well as in quantity. Through urination up to 4% of the volume of urine, fats are discharged from your body. Therefore the more will be the volume of urination; the more will be the fat loss from your body. Cumin oil also removes excess water from the body and reduces swelling which as a result helps to feel light and look thin.

Decreases Insulin Level

High insulin level is known to increase weight. Additionally, those with the highest levels of insulin not only lose less weight but also rapidly regained the weight. (Source – 8)

Cumin is a low-calorie spice, and consuming fewer calories is associated with increased insulin sensitivity and decreased insulin levels. (Source – 9) So drinking jeera water will help you to reduce insulin levels which will result in weight loss.

How to Make Jeera Water for Weight Loss?

Jeera water can be prepared in the following two ways to get maximum benefits for weight loss.

1. Jeera and Water


How to Prepare?

  1. Soak cumin seeds in a cup of water overnight.
  2. The next morning, strain the pale yellow-colored water and drink on an empty stomach.

2. Jeera Powder and Water


How to Prepare?

  1. Put 1 cup of cumin seeds in a pan.
  2. Roast the cumin seeds until they become fragrant and dark brown.
  3. Remove the pan from heat and let the seeds cool down.
  4. Crush the seeds using a blender or mortar to make a fine powder.
  5. Store the powder in a dry glass jar.
  6. In the morning, mix 1 teaspoon of jeera powder with a glass of lukewarm water.
  7. Stir well and drink it on an empty stomach.

Other Recipe of Jeera Water for Weight Loss

Jeera water can be added with other numerous healthier foods for achieving an effective weight loss.

3. Jeera, Water, and Lime


How to Prepare?

  1. Soak cumin seeds in a cup of water overnight.
  2. In the morning, strain the water and add the juice of the lime.
  3. Stir well before drinking.

Added Benefit of Lime

The Vitamin C constituent of lime speeds up the process of burning calories and aids in the healthy digestion of food by enhancing the metabolism rate of the body.

4. Jeera, Water, and Cinnamon


How to Prepare?

  1. Soak cumin seeds in a cup of water overnight.
  2. In the morning, add the ground cinnamon, and boil the water for 5 minutes.
  3. Wait for the water to cool down. Strain and drink.

Added Benefit of Cinnamon

The antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of cinnamon help to reduce the adverse effects of eating high-fat foods by lowering cholesterol.

5. Jeera, Water, and Apple Cider Vinegar


How to Prepare?

  1. Soak cumin seeds in a cup of water overnight.
  2. In the morning, strain the water and add apple cider vinegar to the strained water.
  3. Stir well before drinking.

Added Benefit of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is effective in promoting weight loss as it contains acetic acid which helps to reduce blood sugar levels, improve metabolism and reduce fat storage by burning fat.

6. Jeera, Water, Lemon, and Honey


How to Prepare?

  1. Add whole jeera seeds to 4 or 5 cups of water.
  2. Put the mixture over heat for about 4- 5 minutes or until to boil.
  3. Strain the mixture and add lemon juice and honey to it.
  4. Stir well before consuming it.

Added Benefit of Honey

Adding honey is the best way to add natural sweetener to the drink. It contains several valuable vitamins and minerals which can enhance the metabolism of the body. It also lowers the plasma glucose levels when compared with sugar and increases the levels of HDL, and thus improve the weight loss effort.

7. Jeera, Water, and Dhania


How to Prepare?

  1. Add whole jeera seeds and coriander seeds to the 4 or 5 cups of water.
  2. Put the mixture over heat for about 4- 5 minutes or until boils.
  3. Strain the mixture and drink it.

Added benefits of Dhania or Coriander

Coriander is an excellent source to soothe the irritated digestive system and to stimulate digestive enzymes and juices. A sound digestive system is one of the critical factors of weight loss.

Coriander leaves contain beneficial flavonoids, polyphenols, and phenolic acids and can be an excellent detox drink with water. Coriander leaves also possess quercetin, an essential element to lower the harmful cholesterol in the blood.

8. Jeera, Water, and Methi


How to Prepare?

  1. Add whole jeera seeds to the water.
  2. Put the mixture over heat for about 4- 5 minutes or until boils.
  3. Strain the water and put it aside until lukewarm.
  4. Roast whole fenugreek seeds in a pan.
  5. Crush the fenugreek seeds using a blender or mortar to make a fine powder.
  6. Add 1 teaspoon of fenugreek or methi powder to the lukewarm water mixture and drink it.

Added Benefits of Methi

Fenugreek or methi controls blood sugar levels, lowers cholesterol levels and inflammation, and helps to reduce appetite.


Can we drink jeera water daily?

Yes. Jeera water is known as a miracle drink for effective weight loss. Daily drinking jeera water daily can also solve lots of other health issues as well. You can replace jeera water with regular drinking water and can drink it three times a day – morning on an empty stomach, before lunch, and after dinner.

Note: There is a dose limitation of 300 to 600 milligrams per day has also been recommended for taking cumin. (Source – 10)

What is the best time to drink jeera water?

Jeera water can be drunk three times a day depending on the requirement.

But drinking jeera water in the morning on an empty stomach has been proved more effective in the weight loss effort and other health-related issues.

Can we drink jeera water at night?

Yes. Jeera water can be drunk at night. But there should be a gap between dinner, drinking jeera water, and going to bed to sleep. Maintaining a difference is very crucial for food processing and food absorption in the body. Jeera water can be taken 20 minutes after dinner and ½ or 1 hour before going to bed.

Can we drink jeera water before exercise?

Yes. Adding cumin water with exercise can help to experience its full health benefits. It helps to avoid dehydration during exercise so that muscle cramps, weakness, and loss of coordination can be prevented. Jeera water can be added before and after the workout to avoid dehydration.

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