Mudra has come from Sanskrit, which means “gesture” or “seal.” When mudras are practiced using hands are called Hasta Mudra.
There are certain kind of hand mudras that can be used to regulate metabolism, improve digestion, and to maintain proper heat of the body that could be beneficial for weight loss.
These hand mudra uses different configurations of joining fingertips that pass specific energies from the fingers into the body. The redirection of these energies motivates particular body organs and nerves to create new energies that are helpful in weight loss.
The representation of different fingers of the hand are as follows:
Finger | Element Connection | Represent |
Thumb | Fir | heat, power, strength, passion, transformation, and digestion |
Index Finger | Air | love, compassion, freedom, openness, mobility, frivolity, positivity, and intellect |
Middle Finger | Space | truth, communication, freedom, intuition, connection, stillness, spirituality and consciousness |
Ring Finger | Earth | structure of the body, bones, flesh and skin |
Small Finger | Water | emotions, passion, pleasure, creativity and fluidity |
Hand Mudras for Weight Loss
Following are the 09 mudras that activate certain organs and nerves which are helpful in weight loss:
1. Surya Mudra
Surya signifies the sun which is associated with the heat. Surya mudra helps to reduce weight and obesity by regulating the Agni (fire) element and decreasing the Prithvi (earth) element in the body.
In Ayurveda, the fire element is associated with pitta dosha, which regulates the body temperature and manages hunger and thirst. Whereas the Earth element is associated with Kapha dosha, which increases due to sweet and fatty food. [1, 2]
Practicing of Surya mudra increases the fire element which, as a result, maintains the heat in the body and improves metabolism and deceases the earth element, which leads to a decrease in fat in the body.
How to do Surya Mudra?

- Sit in a comfortable position on a yoga mat.
- Extend the hand in front of the body and relax the fingers and thumb (the palm should face upward).
- Now, bend the ring finger and positioned the tip on the base of the thumb.
- Place the thumb on top of the ring finger and gently exert pressure.
- Make sure other fingers are relaxed and stretched out straight.
Practice this mudra every day for 30 to 45 minutes in a single sitting or three times a day for 10 to 15 minutes.
Other Benefits
Practicing of Surya Mudra provides the following additional benefits:
- Cures shivering and coldness of limbs, hands & feet
- Treats coldness of the skin
- Strengthens the eye and improves vision
- Treats flu
- Diagnose less sweating or no sweating problem
The excess practice of this mudra will lead to excessive heat in the body. Therefore, people having excess pitta dosa or Kapha dosa deficiency should practice this mudra in moderation.
2. Pitta-Kaarak Mudra
The Pitta-Kaarak mudra increases the pitta dosa, which plays a significant role in maintaining the heat and proper digestion in the body. At the same time, it also reduces the Kapha dosa, which is associated with fat. Therefore, this mudra is also called as Kapha-Naashak mudra.
It is an excellent mudra for people having excess Kapha dosa and deficiency in Pitta dosa.
How to do Pitta-Kaarak Mudra?
- Sit in a comfortable position on a yoga mat.
- Extend the hand in front of the body and relax the fingers and thumb (the palm should face upward).
- Now, bend the ring finger and little finger and positioned the tip on the base of the thumb.
- Place the thumb on top of both fingers and gently exert pressure.
- Make sure other fingers are relaxed and stretched out straight.
Practice this mudra every day for 30 minutes in a single sitting or three times a day for 10 minutes each. Practicing in the early morning or during meditation will give a better result.
Other Benefits
Practicing of Pitta-Kaarak Mudra provides the following additional benefits:
- Improves self-esteem
- Treats coldness of the skin
- Improves loss of appetite
- Treats Oily, greasy skin/hair
- Diagnose watering or stickiness eye
The person having an excess pitta dosha should perform this mudra in moderation.
3. Gyan Mudra
Gyan mudra is one of the essential mudras that promote physical and mental health. It stimulates the root chakra, which eases anxiety and depression. It, as a result, can improve concentration and aid the body to function properly.
Moreover, Gyan mudra is believed to stimulate air element which represents Vata dosha. Vata dosha helps to maintain cellular transport, electrolyte balance, and eliminates the waste products from the body. [1, 2]
Vata dosa also controls catabolism in the body, a process by which glucose is broken down to release energy.
How to do Gyan Mudra?

- Sit in Lotus Pose (Padmasana) or Cross-Legged Pose (Sukhasana).
- Gently keep the hands on the thighs; palms should be facing upwards.
- Bring the tips of index finger and thumb together and slowly form a circle around each other.
- Make sure other fingers are relaxed and stretched out straight.
- Feel the energy from the beating pulse.
Practice Gyan mudra every day for 30 to 45 minutes in a single sitting or three times a day for 10 to 15 minutes each.
Other Benefits
Practicing of Gyan Mudra provides the following additional benefits:
- Stimulates the brain
- Enhances the knowledge
- Increases memory power
- Empowers the nervous system and pituitary gland
- Enhances concentration
- Prevents insomnia
The person having an excess Vata dosha should perform this mudra in moderation.
4. Linga Mudra
The Linga Mudra, also known as Mudra of Heat, increases the heat in the body. This mudra is associated with the third chakra and activate the fire element of the thumb. Thus, it increases metabolism and helps to get rid of excess weight.
How to do Linga Mudra?
- Bring both hands in front of the body and interlock the palms by intertwining the fingers.
- Keep the left thumb erect pointing vertically upwards and encircled with the thumb and index finger of the right hand.
- Normally inhale and exhale and hold this posture for 15 minutes while meditating on the fire element.
- This mudra can be performed while standing up or seated.
- This mudra can also be practiced by reversing the thumb (by using right-hand thumb).
Practice Linga mudra for 15 minutes or less when needed.
Other Benefits
Practicing of Linga Mudra provides the following additional benefits:
- Cures Asthma and other respiratory ailments caused due to weather change
- Helps to combat the common cold
- Boosts immune system
- Controls shivering and chill due to cold weather
- Relieves difficulty in breathing
The person having an excess pitta dosha should perform this mudra in moderation. As this mudra generates heat, consume liquids like water, fruit juices, milk, buttermilk, etc. before performing this mudra.
A person having high blood pressure should also avoid this mudra.
5. Vaayan Mudra
The Vaayan mudra helps to increase the Vata dosa in the body, therefore, also known as Vata-Kaarak Mudra. This mudra helps in weight loss by regulating catabolism, and various bodily movements such as elimination of waste products in the body.
This mudra is an excellent mudra for people having a Vata deficiency.
How to do Vaayan Mudra?

- Join the tip of the middle finger and index finger to the tip of the thumb finger.
- Make sure other fingers are relaxed and stretched out straight.
Practice Vaayan mudra every day for 30 to 45 minutes in a single sitting or three times a day for 10 to 15 minutes each.
Other Benefits
Practicing of Vaayan Mudra provides the following additional benefits:
- Controls feeling of excessive thirst
- Cures loss of appetite
- Controls excessive sweating
- Treats Oily or greasy skin/hair
The person having an excess Vata dosha should perform this mudra in moderation.
6. Prana Mudra
Prana Mudra represents the energy or spirit of life. It turns on the inactive energy within the body.
It does so by stimulating Prana Vayu which excites root chakra. This root chakra produces vibration and constructive heat in the body which energizes the entire body and puts each organ in motion. The energy produced can be redirected to the parts of the body wherever it requires.
Thus in this way, it helps to control the vital energy flow within the body and assist essential organs to function properly.
Prana Mudra is also believed to improve Kapha dosa deficiency and to reduce excessive Pitta dosha. It, as a result, improves digestion, immunity, and strength.
It is an excellent mudra for people having excess Pitta dosa and deficiency in Kapha dosa. If practiced with meditation will give the fast and effective desired result.
How to do Prana Mudra?

- Sit in a quiet room and take a comfortable posture with a relaxed mind.
- The tips of the thumb, ring finger, and little finger are joined together keeping the remaining fingers straight, firm, and relaxed.
- Apply gentle pressure between the joining fingers.
- Take a regular breath for a few seconds, then do chant “so” while inhaling and “hum” on exhale. The hands are to be kept over the knees.
Practice Prana mudra for at least 20 – 30 min in one sitting to get the desired result.
Other Benefits
- Increases vitality
- Reduces fatigue and nervousness
- Improves eye vision
- Increases stamina
- Improves self-confidence
People suffering from rhinorrhea, cold, and cough and having issues with a back should avoid this mudra.
7. Rudra Mudra
Rudra is a Sanskrit word means “Howler” or “Terror” and is associated with Lord Shiva. Rudra mudra activates the Solar plexus or third chakra which is the center of digestive activities. This as a result improves digestive power which is one of the factors to influence weight loss.
Furthermore, it balances the earth element and air element and increases pitta dosa. These changes help to maintain the heat in the body and improve metabolism that play important role in weight loss.
How to do Rudra Mudra?

- Sit comfortably with your back straight and chin high.
- Gently keep the hands on the thighs or knees; palms should be facing upwards.
- Bring the tips of the index, ring, and thumb fingers to touch each other and slowly form a triangle.
- Make sure other fingers are relaxed and stretched out straight.
- Breathe normally while focusing on solar plexus.
- Do this with both hands.
Practice Rudra mudra for at least 10 – 20 min in one sitting 3 times a day to get the desired result.
Other Benefits
- Improves eating habits.
- Reduces fatigue, dizziness, and heart disorders.
- Improves eye vision.
- Strengthen bones and muscles.
- Improves self-worth, power, and will.
The person having an excess Kapha dosha should perform this mudra in moderation.
8. Pushan Mudra
Pushan mudra is related to the nourishment that helps with digestion thus the name given gesture of digestion. Practicing this mudra incite digestive fire that assists to keep the digestive system balanced and fully functional – crucial factors for weight loss.
How to do Pushan Mudra?
- Sit comfortably in a lotus pose.
- Gently keep the hands on the knees; palms should be facing upwards.
- With the right hand, bring the tips of the index, middle, and thumb fingers to touch each other.
- With the left hand, bring the tips of the ring, middle, and thumb fingers to touch each other.
- Make sure other fingers are relaxed and stretched out straight.
- Breathe normally and allow each breath to reach into the belly.
Practice Pushan mudra for at least 5 min in one sitting to get the desired result.
Other Benefits
- Relaxes stomach, liver, and gallbladder.
- Removes toxins from the body.
- Clears any energetic blockages.
9. Vayu Mudra
Vayu is a Sanskrit word that means “Air”. This mudra balances the air element in the body. It controls the energy flow within the body and relieves gastric problems such as excessive gas, indigestion, and bloating.
Besides, Vayu mudra is associated with Vata dosa and helps with weight loss by improving catabolism in the body where glucose is efficiently burnt to release energy.
How to do Vayu Mudra?
- Sit comfortably in a lotus pose.
- Gently keep the hands on the thighs or knees; palms should be facing upwards.
- Bring the tips of the index finger to the base of the thumb.
- Now, fold the thumb and place over the index finger, and gently apply pressure.
- Keep the remaining fingers relaxed and stretched out straight.
- Breath should be normal.
- Do this with both hands.
Practice Vayu mudra for at least 10 – 45 min in a day to get the desired result.
Other Benefits
- Treats any air imbalance disease.
- Builds Immunity.
- Provides peace of mind.
- Relieves neck, back, and knee pain.
Do not apply too much pressure on the index finger otherwise, it will lead to an imbalance of air.
Some Important Tips for Hand Mudras for Weight Loss
These are specific tips which can be followed to enhance mudra for weight loss
- Before starting, bring the mind in a relaxed state and take a deep breath to make it rhythmic.
- As far as possible, try to make the palm face upwards.
- Use both hands to practice mudras to get extra benefits.
- People having digestive issues should not exercise for a half to one hour after meals.
- Keep unused fingers straight and do not move the fingers or arms while practicing mudras.
- To get maximum benefits, include above mudras with the active yoga practices.
- As far as possible practice above mudras in the early morning.
- The timing of mudras should be gradually increased from the starting day.
- The above mudras can be practiced by any person irrespective of age, or gender.
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