
7 Reasons to Eat Corn for Weight Loss and How to Eat?

Eating corn for weight loss

Corn or maize is one of the most cultivated cereals after rice and wheat worldwide.

This is due to corn provides essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and important vitamins and minerals to the body.

Despite providing many useful nutrients, corn is also a beneficial food for weight loss.

Eating corn significantly reduces your appetite and make you feel satisfied. As a result, it helps to avoid eating unhealthy foods and prevent to load of unwanted calories.

Corn is loaded with protein, healthy fats, and fiber which makes corn slowly digested and absorbed in the body which in turn helps with weight loss.

What is more, in this article, we will learn why corn is good for weight loss, the risk associated, and how to eat corn for weight loss.

Why You Should Eat Corn for Weight Loss?

Eating corn will provide the following crucial nutrients that help with weight loss:

1. Protein

Protein is one of the important nutrients that help in weight loss and reducing fat mass. It does so by boosting metabolism and reducing appetite by changing hunger regulating hormones. [1, 2, 3]

Generally, a protein diet increases secretion of the satiety hormone, GIP and GLP-1, and reduces the secretion of the hunger hormone ghrelin. [4, 5]

Additionally, a protein diet also helps to boost metabolism and increases energy expenditure by 24 hours. [6, 7]

As every cup of 154 g sweet yellow corn provides 5 g of protein, it can reduce hunger and increase metabolism, thus ultimately leads to weight loss. [8]

2. Fiber

A cup of 154 g sweet yellow corn provides 4.2 g of fiber which is a fair amount of fiber. [8]

But the predominant fibers in corn are insoluble ones and the percentage of insoluble fiber is 12%, while soluble fiber percentage is less than 2%. [9]

The function of insoluble fibers is to provide bulk to the stool, making the stool pass more quickly through the digestive system and thus helping to relieve from constipation. [10]

As well as consumption of insoluble fibers is associated with increased satiety and a decrease in hunger after a meal. The reduced appetite encourages to eat fewer calories and thus helps in weight loss. [11, 12]

3. Source of Antioxidants

Obesity leads to chronic oxidative stress which as a result causes weight gain. Dietary antioxidants play an important role in reducing chronic oxidative stress. [13]

Corn is rich in antioxidants such as phenolic acids, vitamin A & E, carotenoids, and flavonoids which can help reduce chronic oxidative stress which in turn helps with weight loss. [14, 15, 16]

4. Low in Calories

Corn is very low in calories and 1 medium (102 g) ear of sweet yellow corn yields 87.7 calories. [17]

Eating corn will not increase the calorie content in the body and will not require any extra effort to lose that extra calories. For this reason, corn can be useful food for weight loss.

5. Water

1 medium (102 g) ear of sweet yellow corn contains 77% water. It, as a result, helps to keep the body hydrated and will maintain daily fluid needs which help in promoting weight loss.

Besides, in a study, it was found that eating foods with high water and low-calorie content associated with a reduction in body weight. [18]

6. Low in Glycemic Index

Foods having low glycemic index value (55 or less) are more slowly digested and absorbed and ultimately helps with weight loss. [19, 20, 21]

Corn is naturally low in glycemic index and has rating 52 on the glycemic index scale. [22]

So, corn can be a great addition as a low glycemic index food.

7. A Healthy Source of Fatty Acids

Corn germ consists of about 45–50% of the oil that contains 14% saturated fatty acids, 30% monounsaturated fatty acids, and 56% polyunsaturated fatty acids. [23]

A couple of studies have revealed that consuming monounsaturated fatty acids can help with weight loss and can provide a comparable result as given by a low-fat diet or a high carbohydrate diet. [24, 25, 26]

Whereas polyunsaturated fatty acids can help with weight loss by improving insulin sensitivity, lipid profile, sugar metabolism, regulating energy expenditure, and decreasing storage of fat. [27, 28]

Risks Associated With Corn

Although corn is safe in general, some concerns also exist.

May Cause Weight Gain

As corn contains sugar and starch, overeating may increase weight. It can also cause a rise in blood sugar levels that can adversely affect people suffering from diabetes.

May Prevent Absorption of Some Minerals

Corn is a rich source of antioxidants including phytic acid.

Phytic acid produces insoluble salts with zinc, iron, and calcium that can prevent the absorption of these minerals from the gastrointestinal tract. [29]

Soaking, cooking, sprouting, fermenting, and autolysis can reduce the formation of bonding between phytic acid and metals which as result can prevent the anti-nutrient effect of phytic acid. [30]

Can Cause Indigestion and Stomach Upset

Corn is high in cellulose, which is an insoluble fiber that the body cannot digest. Overdosing of corn can lead to an increase in cellulose in the body that can be bad for the stomach.

So it is crucial to keep a watch on how much corn should be consumed.

Can be an Unhealthy Fat Source

Despite providing healthy fats such as monounsaturated fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, corn also contains saturated fatty acids.

Additionally, many people prepare a corn diet by adding butter and oils that increase the fat content and make it a high-fat, and high-calorie food.

Overeating can increase saturated fats and unhealthy fats which will be bad for health.

How to Eat Corn for Weight Loss?

There are several ways to eat corn to aid for weight loss


Corn kernels can add crunch and crisp to the salad. Add corn to green salads or fruit salads to make it a healthier choice for weight loss.

Stir Fry Veggies

Another way is to simple stir fry corn and nutritious veggies like capsicum, cucumber, broccoli, paneer, spinach etc. to get a great meal for weight loss. Veggies provide the body with beneficial nutrition so that your body does not suffer from nutrition even you eat less. This recipe will be full of fiber and protein that can help in improving digestion and aiding weight loss.

Corn Pudding

Corn pudding can be another healthier choice for weight loss. Made with corn, eggs, Greek yogurt, and low-fat milk, corn pudding can be a delicious and surprisingly light dish. Packed with protein and nutrition from an array of ingredients, corn pudding can be a great addition to weight loss. It can be served at breakfast, lunch, or dinner.


Corn is rich in fiber, protein, antioxidants, and healthy fats that can aid in weight loss.

Besides, it’s high in sugar, starch, phytic acid, and indigestible fiber that may be a concern when consumed in excess.

Still, in moderation, corn can be a healthier choice for weight loss.


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